Welcome to Top Matrimonial Detective Agency in Delhi, India. Our team of experienced detectives is dedicated to providing you with reliable and confidential investigations for pre-matrimonial and post-matrimonial cases.

We understand the importance of trust and transparency in a relationship and our aim is to help you make informed decisions about your future. Our services are designed to give you peace of mind and help you avoid any potential risks in your personal and professional life.
Our team uses cutting-edge technology and innovative methods to gather evidence and provide you with accurate and up-to-date information. We have a proven track record of success and take pride in delivering results in a timely and discreet manner.

Whether you’re looking for background checks on a potential partner, investigating infidelity, or any other related matter, our team is here to help. We work with complete confidentiality and discretion, ensuring that your personal information and the details of your case remain private.

So if you’re looking for a trusted and reliable detective agency in Delhi, look no further. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and find out how we can help.


  • Discreet and Confidential:
    Our investigators understand the sensitivity of matrimonial investigations and will carry out the investigation with complete confidentiality.
  • Experienced Team:
    Our team of experienced detectives has been conducting matrimonial investigations for many years, and they have a wealth of knowledge and expertise to draw upon.
  • Comprehensive Investigations:
    Our investigations go beyond just checking the basic background information. We provide a complete and thorough report that covers all aspects of the investigation, including employment history, financial information, and criminal record checks.
  • Affordable Pricing:
    We believe that everyone deserves access to quality investigation services, which is why we offer affordable pricing options to fit any budget.


  • Pre-Matrimonial Investigation:
    This investigation is conducted to verify the background of your prospective spouse before tying the knot. Our team will provide you with a comprehensive report on their financial, professional, and personal background.
  • Post-Matrimonial Investigation:
    This investigation is conducted to gather evidence in case of any suspicion or mistrust in a marriage. Our team will provide you with accurate and timely information to help you make informed decisions.
  • Adultery Investigation:
    Our team is experienced in conducting adultery investigations and will provide you with concrete evidence to support your case.
Don’t wait any longer. Contact us today to schedule your investigation and take the first step towards a secure and happy future.

Hiring a Matrimonial Detective Agency can provide several benefits, including

  • Background Checks:
    A matrimonial detective agency can conduct thorough background checks on a potential partner to verify their financial and employment status, as well as any past relationships or criminal history. This can provide valuable information for individuals considering marriage or a long-term commitment.
  • Evidence Gathering:
    If an individual is going through a divorce or custody case, a matrimonial detective agency can gather evidence that can be used in court. This can include surveillance footage, witness statements, and other types of documentation.
  • Closure:
    Hiring a matrimonial detective agency can provide closure for individuals who are unsure about their partner's activities or past behavior. The agency can provide evidence that can help individuals make important decisions about their relationships.
  • Professionalism:
    Matrimonial detective agencies are professionals and are trained to conduct investigations in a discreet and legal manner. This ensures that the investigation is conducted in a way that is both ethical and admissible in court.
  • Peace of mind:
    Hiring a matrimonial detective agency can provide peace of mind, especially when planning to get married or if there is a suspicion of infidelity


PRE MATRIMONIAL INVESTIGATION SERVICES Pre-matrimonial investigation is the process of gathering information and conducting background checks on a potential partner before getting married. This can include verifying the financial and employment status of the individual, investigating any past relationships or criminal history, and checking for any red flags that may indicate potential problems in the future.
Pre-matrimonial investigations can be conducted by private investigation agencies, or by individuals themselves. The purpose of these investigations is to provide couples with as much information as possible about each other before taking the big step of getting married, in order to make an informed decision about the relationship. This can help to minimize the risk of future problems and potential frauds.

The investigation may include checking of the following:

  • Financial Status:
    This includes checking the individual's credit score, outstanding debts, and assets.
  • Employment and Education:
    Verifying the individual's employment history, educational qualifications, and professional licenses.
  • Background Check:
    This includes checking the individual's criminal history, past relationships, and any other relevant information that may impact the relationship
  • Social Media:
    Investigating the individual's social media activity, including their friends, posts, and comments.
  • Character Reference:
    Checking with friends and family for any information about the individual's character.
It is important to note that the use of such agencies may be controversial and their services may not be legal in all jurisdictions. Before hiring a matrimonial detective agency, it’s important to check the legal and ethical considerations in your area.
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Let City Intelligence be your trusted partner in uncovering the truth. Schedule a free consultation to discuss your investigation needs and receive a transparent cost estimate tailored to your situation.


Post-matrimonial investigation is the process of gathering information and conducting investigations after a couple is married. This can include verifying the financial and employment status of the individual, investigating any past relationships or criminal history, and checking for any red flags that may indicate potential problems in the relationship.
Post-matrimonial investigations can be conducted by private investigation agencies, or by individuals themselves. The purpose of these investigations is to provide couples with as much information as possible about each other after marriage, in order to help them resolve any problems or conflicts that may have arisen, and to help them make informed decisions about the future of their relationship.

The investigation may include checking of the following:

  • Infidelity:
    This includes investigating any suspicion of infidelity by the spouse.
  • Financial Status:
    This includes checking the individual's credit score, outstanding debts, and assets, to see if there are any discrepancies or financial issues that may be causing problems in the relationship
  • Professional Status:
    Verifying the individual's employment history, educational qualifications, and professional licenses, to ensure that there is no deception in the information provided before marriage.
  • Background Check:
    This includes checking the individual's criminal history, past relationships, and any other relevant information that may impact the relationship.
  • Social Media:
    Investigating the individual's social media activity, including their friends, posts, and comments, to see if there are any red flags or potential issues that may be causing problems in the relationship.
  • Character Reference:
    Checking with friends and family for any information about the individual's character, to see if there are any concerns or issues that may be impacting the relationship.
  • Surveillance:
    Conducting surveillance to observe the individual's activities and movements, in order to gather evidence of any suspicious behavior or infidelity.
  • Character Reference:
    Checking with friends and family for any information about the individual's character and behavior.
  • Child custody:
    Investigating any concerns about child custody or child support.
  • Alimony and property disputes:
    Investigating any disputes about alimony and property that may arise during the divorce process.
It is important to note that post-matrimonial investigations should be done only after considering all the possible legal and ethical implications, and should be performed only when it is absolutely necessary. It is also important to keep in mind that the results of the investigation should be used to resolve issues and problems, rather than to harm or hurt the other person.

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